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What is An ETF



Various investment options are available in the financial market, and ETFs are among them. ETFs are considered a better investment option because they allow investors to invest in a pool of securities and diversify their portfolios. Interestingly, investing in ETFs reduces the risk factor because financial instruments are classified into different sections, including stocks, bonds, real estate, commodities, currencies, and multi-asset funds.

Investing in ETFs has some benefits, such as high returns, tax-efficient, low expense ratio, avoid capital gains & taxes. In this guide, I will cover the basic information about ETFs, which includes ETF definition, types, futures, and benefits.

What does it mean of ETF


ETF is abbreviated as Exchange Traded Funds, and it is a type of investment listed in stock exchanges for buying and selling stocks, mutual funds, etc,. ETFs can be sold anytime during trading and work similarly to mutual funds.

Types of ETFs 


Some of the commonly used ETFs in the financial sectors are listed below:-

Index ETFs


Allows investors to track particular indexes such as S&P 500 or NASDAQ.

Commodity ETFs 


It helps to track the price of commodities such as gold, silver, aluminum, etc.

Equity ETF


It is designed to invest in shares or equities of a reputed company and become shareholders (a limited number of shares) of various organizations at a time.

Fixed Income ETF


It allows investors to diversify or explore the finance market by investing in different types of bonds such as municipal, corporate, international,  US Treasury, high-yield, and many more.

Currency ETF 


It is designed to invest in currency pairs of different countries that turn to generate maximum profits. But the problem is that the exchange rates of the currency pairs fluctuate from time to time. This is the reason that investors purchase the currencies of different countries on a prediction basis and sell them off when the value of a currency goes up.

Sector and industry ETFs

This type of ETF allows investors to explore or gather information about a particular industry, such as oil, pharmaceuticals, or high technology, and then invest in it.

How Do ETFs works


Everyone knows that BSE and NSE are the two popular exchanges in India for trading. ETFs investors get benefits or returns on the basis of the market conditions or live rates of trading exchanges in India. ETFs get affected when India’s trading exchange is in the stage of fall. The financial year 2021 proved to be good for trading exchanges as the exchanges earned good profits. So, the ETF investors also received decent returns or profits. The whole cycle of ETFs depends on national exchanges in India and follows the simple rule: whether the financial market is bad or good, ETFs also have to suffer the same thing.

Benefits of Investing in ETFs


Investing in ETFs has many benefits that we have mentioned below:-

  • ETFs are traded similarly to stocks, so it is essential to keep an eye on the buying or selling prices
  • ETF prices are monitored on a daily basis making the investment more transparent and clear.
  • Investors can sell ETFs easily because it is highly liquidated.
  • ETF is a good option for investment that lets investors invest in different types of sectors or securities.
  • ETFs provide investment information on a daily basis, making investing more transparent.
  • ETFs do not charge any tax on dividends.
  • Fund Manager is allocated to ETF investors, so the investors don’t have to be involved themselves in buying and selling activities. However, the expense ratio ranges between 0.5 to 1%.
  • ETF is affordable as it has a low expense ratio compared to mutual funds.

Future of ETFs 


Since 1990, ETFs have been ruling in the financial industry, as it is one of the major reasons for developing trust among investors. With the latest advancements and innovations, the demand for ETFs is growing year over year. It is a fact that more unusual and new ETFs are about to introduce in the coming years. Innovation is a plus point for investors, be careful always, as not all ETFs are created equal. It is recommended that one must research or make investigations properly before investing in ETFs. After considering all the factors and points, make sure that the ETF you have chosen is the best for investment purposes, as it will give you good profits and fulfils your goals.

Can I Sell ETF any time throughout the day


Likewise stocks, you can buy or sell stocks any time during trading hours between 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Eastern time. Investors can take advantage of the intraday price fluctuations.



Overall, ETF is a good source of investment that lets investors enjoy price fluctuations during trading hours. From ETF definition to the future of ETFs, we have covered all information that helps beginners enhance their knowledge.

Every investment option has some good and bad points that help to maintain the balance. Apart from a low expense ratio, transparency, low cost, good returns, and it has some bad points, which include demo account & fee, volatility of the stock market, and diversification of portfolio is a major cause of creating confusion among investors.

Elorabrown Blogger & Admin

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